Webinar "ONI Training & Discovery Kits for
dSTORM sample preparation and imaging"

dSTORM imaging offers high sensitivity and resolution, which can enable the detection and quantification of spatial information and nanoscale protein organization across a range of cell samples. Getting started with dSTORM imaging can seem challenging for those new to the technique. ONI has recently launched two kits (Training Kit & Discovery Kits) to help all researchers with dSTORM imaging, with a focus on facilitating sample preparation with validated reagents and simplified workflows.

This product focus webinar will be presented by ONI’s Consumables Product Manager Dr James Rhodes and Senior Scientist Dr Stefan Balint, who have been closely involved in the development of the two ONI dSTORM kits. The webinar will cover the fundamentals of dSTORM, including sample preparation, imaging and analysis, with a focus on how our products can help researchers ease into their dSTORM journey.


To discover more about the super-resolution microscopy and how our Nanoimager can be used, visit our ONIversity.

Download our webinar 'ONI Training & Discovery Kits fordSTORM sample preparation and imaging' here